
The Road to Long-Term Pain Relief: A Plan for Success
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

The Road to Long-Term Pain Relief: A Plan for Success

Much like navigating unfamiliar roads, getting rid of persistent pain requires more than just a quick rub or a temporary fix. It demands a well-thought-out plan, one that's tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. At Fixit Physiotherapy, we're here to be your sat nav on this journey, guiding you from point A to point B, helping you steer clear of detours, and ensuring you reach your destination: a life free from pain.

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Unlocking Your Full Athletic Potential.
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Unlocking Your Full Athletic Potential.

Do you often find yourself comparing your progress to other athletes who seem to effortlessly reach their fitness goals?

This can happen when you're stuck and your aspirations appear just out of reach due to persistent pain.

But we want you to know that you can achieve pain-free training and reach your fitness goals, and you don't have to wait until next year, 2025, or even 2030.

It can happen this year, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

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A Pain-Free Future: Transform Your Body in the Next Year
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

A Pain-Free Future: Transform Your Body in the Next Year

Many of us often focus on career success, financial stability, or our home life. But let's shift our perspective for a moment and consider something equally important – your physical well-being.

Imagine waking up every day without the discomfort and stiffness that has plagued you for so long

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Breaking Down the Myths About Pain
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Breaking Down the Myths About Pain

We've all heard the myths about pain, such as "No Pain, No Gain," or the notion that "Pain is Always a Sign of an Underlying Problem." But today, we're here to debunk these myths and help you embark on a journey toward a pain-free life.

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"You’ll Just Have To Learn To Live With It"
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

"You’ll Just Have To Learn To Live With It"

Living with chronic pain can be an overwhelming and isolating experience. It's a daily battle, one that often feels like an endless loop of discomfort and frustration.

You might have heard the phrase, "You'll just have to learn to live with it," from well-meaning health professionals who may not fully grasp the reality of your situation.

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What is really achievable in 3 months?
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

What is really achievable in 3 months?

Time has a way of flying by, and in just three months, so much can change.  To illustrate the power of change in a short span, let's look at the stories of some of our patients who experienced incredible transformations in just three months…people with back pain, foot pain, neck pain and knee pain.

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One Size Fits All?
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

One Size Fits All?

We’ve heard of One-Size-Fits-All t-shirts, gloves & even socks but is there such a thing as One-Size-Fits-All Physiotherapy? This blog will discuss your options when it comes to Physiotherapy rehab and will point you in the right direction to solve your aches and pains, from back pain to neck pain to foot pain to posutral issues - we have got you sorted!

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Does Having A Plan Really Matter?
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Does Having A Plan Really Matter?

There are so many options out there when it comes to physiotherapy methods, from quick fixes to the guesswork of healing times, to in-depth return to play plans - it’s hard to know where to start and what to trust.

If I were to give you one piece of advice… have a plan. If your physio cannot provide you with a plan from A to B, it’s time to find a new physio.

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Does Bad Posture Really Cause Back Pain?
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Does Bad Posture Really Cause Back Pain?

We've all heard it before: "Sit up straight!", "Don't slouch!", "Good posture is key!"

But hold on just a minute.

Let's have a chat about the relationship between bad posture and back pain because it may not be all that it seems.

It's time to debunk a myth that's been lurking around like that monster under your bed.

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Plantar Fasciitis: Is Physiotherapy The Answer
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Plantar Fasciitis: Is Physiotherapy The Answer

So, is physiotherapy the answer to plantar fasciitis? Absolutely! It's not a quick fix, and it takes some effort on your part, but with the right guidance and support from a physiotherapist, you can train without pain.

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Do I Need an MRI?
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Do I Need an MRI?

While MRIs can be a helpful diagnostic tool, the truth is that they're not always necessary. In fact, the majority of the time, pathology (damage or abnormality in tissue) does not equate to pain. So just because something looks off on an MRI, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the cause of your pain.

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Joint Swelling - What does it mean and what should I do?
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Joint Swelling - What does it mean and what should I do?

Joint swelling, also known as effusion, is a common issue that occurs when excess fluid accumulates in the spaces surrounding your joints. It can happen in any joint, from your fingers to your toes, but the most common culprits are knees, ankles, and wrists.

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Achilles Pain and Good Weather - How can they be related?
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Achilles Pain and Good Weather - How can they be related?

Your achilles tendon is the structure that transports force from the ground to your lower limb

muscles. Once your foot strikes the ground, the achilles is in charge of accepting and delivering force and power.

Does this mean that when the sun comes out, you stop training instantly?

Definitely not!

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Neck Pain: 3 Steps to Resolve Chronic Neck Pain
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Neck Pain: 3 Steps to Resolve Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain or a stiff neck is something that we see at Fixit A LOT. They can be frustrating. When you wake up in the morning it feels tight, when you go to bed at night you can’t seem to get comfortable and worst of all, it distracts you at the desk during the day.

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Runner’s Knee
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Runner’s Knee

No matter what level of running you are at, I think we will all agree that there is nothing worse than having an injury stop us in our tracks.

Runners Knee also known as patellofemoral pain, is a very common knee injury for runners.

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Back Pain - Should I get an MRI?
Philip Stoops Philip Stoops

Back Pain - Should I get an MRI?

Should I get an MRI for my back pain?

We explain what warning signs you should look out for with your back pain and why our most common back pain patients does not need any sort of imaging

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