Free Download Reveals the Five Steps you Need to Resolve Lower Back Pain

Follow the simple steps to reduce your pain and gain back your freedom and confidence


In this exclusive report, we will reveal:

  • How to improve your sleep - Find comfortable positions that allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and energised

  • How to sit for long periods - Sit comfortably in work to manage your pain and reduce the frustration of that constant ache

  • How to manage your acute low back pain or chronic pain and improve your movement with simple breathing techniques

  • How to regain your confidence and return to regular exercise even with chronic back pain

Judge us by What our Patients Say:

Ross Watson: “I came to Fixit with a number broken bones and a lot of complex issues after a mountain biking accident. With a wealth of knowledge from Phil and a step by step guide of treatment, therapy, exercises and aftercare. The results mean I can get back on my bike and can do normal day to day exercises with out any pain again. 10/10”

Back Pain - What's the Problem?

Back pain has become medicalised and feared to an extreme level with many different things being blamed like tight hamstrings, weak core muscles, poor posture, spinal health and many people are all too willing to provide medical advice or medications including muscle relaxants, nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs, opioid medications and bed rest. Those that have experienced chronic low back pain or painful muscle spasms know too well how much this muscle tension and pain affects day to day life, but they will also know that the strategies mentioned above will at best give temporary pain relief and in some cases could even make your pain worse. By seeing a healthcare professional or physical therapist that can advise on relaxation techniques, pain management and correct graded exposure to exercise and loading, you'll be able to reduce pain, move and exercise and maintain good spine health long into the future.

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How We Can Help Back Pain

Your spine and back muscles are designed to bend twist and move, but unfortunately some of us have become so afraid of moving because of injury / pain. By protecting the affected area from moving and constantly bracing your core, your back is freaking out each time you bend and twist! We need to figure out why your back is causing you pain and this could be because you have a history of other injuries, it could be because your back is overworking through the day or it could be that you just got unlucky. We assess you, figure this out and create a treatment plan to resolve your pain for the long term. We treat your pain with hands-on techniques and movement so that you notice a huge difference within a few days and gradually bring you through the important things you want and need to do such as work, do the gardening, play with your kids and clean your home. You will soon ditch the hot water bottle, ice packs, pain killers and other medications and get out of that vicious cycle of pain by learning to relieve back pain and tight muscles with movement and breathing exercises.

To get a plan in place for your back pain book in with one of our Physiotherapists.

Our Approach to Back pain

Using our scientific evidence backed hands-on techniques, we help relieve muscle tension (protective tone) from the painful area. We figure out why you have low back pain to begin with - did you sprain your ankle before? were you in a car crash? There's often something contributing to your back pain and we if we help every muscle group do their job such as the abdominal muscles and hamstring muscles - we can help stop the back muscles from overworking. We also address the emotional factors that make your pain worse or the nervous system and its pain signals. Sometimes pain persists long after the 'threat' or injury and very few things help to relieve pain - chronic back pain. This is where our experience in clinical practice and time studying pain research and peer reviewed studies really helps us get to the bottom of your case, provide you with pain relief, home treatment and exercises.

Book your treatment to help relieve your back pain