Hip Pain 101 - A free report with exercises to help you understand why your hips are pinchy and painful and how they can be smooth, mobile and pain-free with some simple exercises


In this exclusive report, we will reveal:

  • Why our hips can end up taking the brunt of things going on elsewhere in the body

  • How your muscles at the knee joint and the feet can be key to reducing your hip pain

  • How to become aware of your pelvis and ribcage positioning to relieve tight hips

  • How to ‘reconnect’ your hips to the other joints of your body making you efficient and pain-free

Judge us by What our Patients Say:

B Rich: “This is an amazing place if you have a back or other muscular pains as both my wife and I have been for treatment and Amy has been fantastic as is very thorough in her approach, explains clearly the issues and then the treatment with follow up video exercises on email to help with the healing. Would thoroughly recommend Amy for the physiotherapy treatment.

How We Can Help Hip Pain

Knee injuries are one of the most common occurrences in sport and in day to day life. Sometimes you just get unlucky and suffer from an unexpected knock or strain, sometimes the knee breaks down over time. This can be a result of lack of mobility or function elsewhere such as the ankle or the hip joint. Our whole body approach allows us to gain a clear idea of what’s happening throughout the body rather than just the knee. We don’t only want to focus on the knee pain, we want to find the true problem and create SOLUTIONS so that your pain doesn’t come back again. You’re going to need those knees for a long time, so we want to make them as strong and robust as possible by creating intermuscular coordination around the knee joint and we want to create MOVEMENT OPTIONS - hips and ankles that move well so that you’re not asking too much from the knee joint. To get a plan in place for your knee pain book in with one of our Physiotherapists.

To get a plan in place for your hip pain book in with one of our Physiotherapists.